- Long and short equity no load mutual funds are ideal for some investors but they may be wrong for others
- No load mutual funds offer lower costs, and usually better fund choices because the investor does all the work and makes the decisions
- The best no load funds will depend on the investment goals, strategies, and risks involved
Long and short equity no load mutual funds can be the best no load funs possible for some investors, but these funds may not be right for other investors. Choosing no load options means being prepared to do all of the research and comparisons needed to fully evaluate every possible investment option. No load mutual funds do not offer professional investment advice from a broker or financial advisor, but these funds also do not pose any conflict of interest issues or charge expensive load fees that can be five percent or more. Most investors ar capable of dong the work and making the best possible decisions to meet their investment goals while following the strategies and acceptable risk levels that were set. There are many different fund families which offer long and short equity funds, and each one will have unique risks and potential rewards. Finding the best no load funds is not difficult, and there are many websites and financial investment tools available to locate these options. There are fund screener tools, fund profiles and performance pages, and much more which can make it very easy for any investor to locate and choose possible mutual funds no matter how little experience they may have.
One possible no load long and short equity mutual fund is the Aberdeen Equity Long Short Inst Fund. This fund trades under the symbol GGUIX, and it is rated four star quality by Morningstar. This fund has net assets valued at close to twenty million dollars, and it has been managed by Chris Baggini since 2004. The year to date return is small at only two point seven one percent, but that should not be the only reason to disqualify this fund from the list of possible choices. The minimum initial investment amount is high at one million dollars, and this does make it hard for most investors to access this fund. Akros Absolute Return trades under the ticker AARFX, and it is offered by Akros Capital. This long and short equity fund has an extremely high year to date return at sixteen point one nine percent, which may give some investors pause, but Morningstar has given the fund a four star quality rating. This makes it one of the best no load funds possible for many investors. An initial investment of only twenty five hundred dollars is needed for this investment choice, so it is available to almost everyone.
Another long and short equity option that is one of the most popular no load mutual funds is the Caldwell & Orkin Market Opportunity Fund, with the symbol COAGX for trading. The value of the net assets are close to four hundred million dollars, making this fund a decent size, and it has been in operation since 1991 so there is plenty of historical data available on the fund. Michael B. Orkin has been the lead manager and in charge since 1992, and he has done a great job so far. The yield for this long and short equity fund is only point five two percent, and the year to date return is only three point six nine percent, but this is still considered one of the best no load funds for a majority of investors. Twenty five thousand dollars is the minimum needed to invest in this fund, making it somewhat high for individual investors. The fund total operating expense ratio is two point three seven percent, and it is one of the true no load mutual funds because there are no load fees or 12b-1 marketing fees charged. These are the best no load funds possible, because investment costs are lower.