Jul 13
Advertising is a crucial element of any business strategy. By creating awareness and interest among potential customers, advertising helps businesses achieve their goals of improving their bottom line and fostering healthy competition. But it can also be a source of significant waste.
Advertising waste is a significant challenge that businesses of all sizes and industries face when promoting their products or services. In today’s highly competitive marketplace, it is critical for businesses to use their advertising budgets effectively to reach and engage their target audience. However, many businesses struggle with advertising waste, which occurs when their advertising fails to generate a positive return on investment. The causes of advertising waste can vary, from poor audience targeting and ineffective messaging to ad fraud and other forms of digital ad waste. The consequences of advertising waste can be severe, leading to financial losses and missed opportunities for growth.
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Nov 16
Many people have elevated their investment thinking to a level of the socially conscious. Social responsibility in a company has come more to the forefront as each of us takes a serious look at what we are actually doing with our money. Investing in a corporation that takes pride in where they get their products, how they hire and treat staff and has a high level of concern for the environment and their carbon footprint is now a key concern.
Billions of dollars are involved in the no-load mutual fund arena, but not all companies are alike. As we move into a more elevated and global society, investors are not just looking at the bottom line, but how a company achieved their margins. No one wants to be associated with investment in a company that turns out to outsource their labor in a foreign country sweatshop. The media has uncovered a number of well known celebrities that were supposedly unknowingly doing just that. Children were employed in factory environments and dangerous conditions, just to give us some of the luxuries and clothes that we wear.
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Nov 16
No-load mutual funds have become not only more popular in the last few years but are close to reaching the ‘darling’ title of the investment world. While they can be risky and often carry their own hidden costs, it seems more people are looking to no-load mutual funds for their portfolio. The internet is filled with recommendations on the best no-load mutual funds, the top twenty five favorite no-load mutual funds, the best performing no-load mutual funds, etc. So whose advice is the best advice?
The first thing you will need to know is that the best no-load mutual funds are those that have a long term positive impact. Short spurts of growth should be viewed carefully. The major investment houses have their own favorites, based on a variety of factors. Some do include the fast-and-furious rise-to-the-top companies; but most of the favorite no-load mutual fund companies that they prefer are those with a longer term positive history.
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Nov 09
In an era when we want to make sure that every investment move we make is a wise one, many people are interested in ecological decisions for no-load investments. Surprisingly, there is very little information on the net to use for research, but it you dig deep enough you can find no-load mutual fund investments with ecologically friendly companies.
Selecting from a number of ecology topics for your investment is the first key direction. There are many ecological topics to choose from: home building materials, zero waste, climate action, alternate fuels, anti-toxins (alternative chemicals), environmentally safe packaging, organic food products; and the list goes on. You might want to investigate to see which companies work with organizations that contribute towards an ecology based system. Many companies are partnered with ‘green banks’ as well as ‘fair trade’ organizations. The green banks focus their investment dollars into earth friendly ventures with better than competitive rates, green-lines-of-credit and green-cash. Fair trade works with local farmers and co-ops to give the profit margins to the farmers and co-ops themselves instead of the ‘middle man’. Products that are produced will have the ‘fair trade’ branding and are increasing in popularity as we progress in a green and fair economy.
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Nov 02
Clean or alternative energy is the direction that the entire world is going in. While there may still be a few nay-sayers on the topic of global warming, it is painfully obvious to the rest of us that are realists that we cannot continue to dump on our land, sea and air without Mother Nature retaliating back. Companies that have moved in the direction of alternative energy are cropping up everywhere, from existing (and formerly polluting) companies to start ups. It’s a hot topic – but can be a bit of a tricky description.
Believe it or not, we are still in the beginning stages of definition specific criteria that apply to alternative energy. Technologies are abounding but there remains a bit of a hazy line when it comes to the name alternative energy. A rule of thumb for your no-load mutual investment decisions should be those companies that are creating products or services that offer more than just energy efficiency, but clean energy alternatives. This means that the results not only offer earth friendly agents, but drastically reduce the use of existing pollutant based energies.
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Oct 26
In today’s investment world, I don’t think anyone is surprised by leading news stories. Over the last ten years the media has released astounding news that seems to stop everyone in their tracks. Call us tainted, but, the investment territory topic has reached some pretty bad lows in behavior. With the exposure of so many companies aligned with questionable overseas and international alliances, many people are now focused on ensure that the no-load mutual fund investments remain USA and American based.
No-load mutual funds remain a sustainable investment, even in a questionable economy. To focus on making sure that your dollars spent remain in the United States, you are going to have to do a little research. To begin with, it might be a good idea to contact a reliable (and trustworthy) investment counselor. Make sure the counselor does not have an alternative agenda by receiving dollar incentives for recommending specific investment companies. A small amount of time spent with the counselor will assist in your research and cut the time you have to spend trying to figure things out.
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Oct 19
In the last ten years, many retirement portfolios have run the gamut of being reduced to a minimum, all the way to non-existence. Retirement plans have been changed and extended due to the major losses in portfolio investments. The heartbreak of losing a retirement fund that one has worked their entire life towards, has made investors skiddish. Some of the more adventurous investors are raising their heads and actively seeking alternatives for the investment dollars that they have left. No load funds have been in the fray for quite some time, but the question remains: are no load funds the best direction to take for a retirement portfolio?
If you are an investor that has been tainted by financial advisors that failed you in the past and are selecting the path of a do it yourselfer, you need to understand that you will need to have the knowledge base of a professional. Good no load funds can perform just as well as load mutual funds over the long term. But, those are the key words ‘long term’. There is a family of fund companies that offer a variety of target dates for maturity. Choosing a no load fund target date will depend upon your plans for retirement (or adjusted plans for retirement).
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Oct 12
Social media has taken the internet by storm. Unless you live under a rock, almost everyone is a member of a social media page. People around the world have joined and use social media for instantaneous communication. Going viral, a message can promote a particular situation all the way to a complete revolution. While social media started out as an individual mode, businesses have recognized the marketing value and have signed up. So how reliable is social media when you are thinking about investing in no load funds?
The first thing you have to remember about a business social media page is that the purpose is completely different from an individual’s page. While a person might join to find and communicate with people they know, they will invite their fellow members to be ‘friends’. A business has a market focus to get their message out. They invite people to ‘like’ them. Those that accept end up with the marketing news on their social media page and eventually, everyone that are their ‘friends’ also have that marketing message. It’s an easy and free method to extend a viral invitation for a sale, information or an event.
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Oct 05
The internet has opened a world of information and opportunity, never before seen. If we have a question, we can access the net on our smartphones, type in a question, and get an answer. It has taken the concept of immediate-gratification to a whole new level and we have an entire generation that has grown up not knowing what life without the net was like. But, there is a down side to the net. The popularity of ‘blogging’ has created an environment where everyone who can type, thinks they are a writer. Others have created web sites and presented themselves as experts. This has blossomed into a lot of mis-information. So how do you filter through all of the nonsense and find the golden nuggets of truth when you are looking to no load investments?
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Sep 28
In this crazy investment time, people are continually searching for the best place to put their dollars. Over the last ten years, portfolios have increased and decreased and investment counselors scramble to assist their customers for the most efficient return on investment (ROI). While no load funds initially appeared as an answer to the prayers of investors, it’s not that easy to select the best no load mutual funds.
No load mutual funds outwardly appear as a method to save money, by changing the face of investment. Typical load funds have initial costs (front end) and sale costs (back end) that decrease profitability. No load funds, however, may have hidden costs that you must consider. These are call maintenance fees and can actually crank up the fees to a higher percentage that the load mutual funds.
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